Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good light

As a photographer, I'm always on the hunt for the glorious, perfect natural light. It doesn't always come when you want it. Sometimes you have to create it yourself, in the form of heavy equipment and props. Other times, it just shows up at the right moment. One thing is for certain, it does not last long and you have to move fast before the moment is gone.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


One thing you'll rarely hear about before your wedding day is how quickly it goes by. It is like a lifetime of memories, faces, family, history, past, present and future...all a massive blur. Because there are so many important people, opinions and emotions involved, it just naturally happens... I envy the couple that can stop the world, if only for a moment, to reflect on the craziness of it all.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


There are some who prefer their wedding to be an elegant, adult-only occasion. Others enjoy having the presence of all generations to join in the familial celebration. Sometimes kids will melt down and let you it's time to go, maybe before the parents are ready. But children often make some of the greatest photographic moments. Exuberant, shy, coy or playful, they have a way with the camera.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Something truly great about weddings is the amazing diversity of traditions that couples can choose to celebrate their day. In traditional Jewish weddings, the bride circles the groom three or seven times before she enters the huppah. At this wedding, both bride and groom circled each other. There are many translations for this tradition, which speaks to the bond being created.